Mayoral candidates speak on TIF, homelessness, police and immigration at the League of Women Voters.
On Monday, Norman held the first of three mayoral debates to be held prior to the election, slated for Feb. 11, and was sponsored by The League of Women Voters and Pioneer Library System. The forum covered many topics relevant to the election including the stance about illegal immigration. Here is a snippet from the article:
”The Trump administration has announced plans for immigrant repatriation,” began the league’s question, read by moderator Sandy Bahan. “As elected mayor, will you support and uphold federal laws relating to immigration enforcement, or will you advocate for activities that limit or bypass immigration enforcement?”
The question first went to Riley Mulinix, an attorney running for mayor.
“ I’m going to follow the law if I’m elected mayor,” he answered.
To see a list of all the upcoming campaign events please check this page:
A New Vision: The Campaign for all of Norman